Model Performance#

Objectives: what you will take away#

  • How-To gauge performance using Howso’s native performance metrics.

Prerequisites: before you begin#


Our example dataset for this recipe is the well known Adult dataset. It is accessible via the pmlb package installed earlier. We use the fetch_data() function to retrieve the dataset in Step 1 below.

Concepts & Terminology#

How-To Guide#


The user guide assumes you have created and setup a Trainee as demonstrated in basic workflow. The Trainee will be referenced as trainee in the sections below.

Global model performance#

Global performance is calculated by Howso internally using a leave one out approach to the datapoints trained into the trainee that is called by the react_in_trainee() method. By setting residuals to True, you can retrieve global performance stats.

Available Stats

  • continuous features: mean absolute error (“mae”), root mean squared error (“rmse”), r2 (“r2”), spearman coefficient (“spearman_coeff”)

  • nominal features: Matthews correlation coefficient (“mcc”), accuracy (“accuracy”), precision (“precision”), recall (“recall”), the confusion matrix (“confusion_matrix”)


The string representation of each statistic is listed in the parenthesis.

prediction_stats = trainee.react_react_aggregate(
    details={'prediction_stats': True}

Conditional Model Performance#

The Trainee is also able to compute and return performance statistics on subsets of the trained data that match a certain set of conditions. For example, a user might want to investigate the performance of their Trainee on cases that represent individuals over the age of 40. This is calculated through calling react_aggregate() while passing in a action_condition parameter in the details dictionary.

The user from the example would want to do the following:

# Conditions for continuous features take a tuple
# that represents the range of the condition.
performance_stats = trainee.react_react_aggregate(
        'prediction_stats': True,
        'action_condition': {'age': [40, 9999]}

These conditions can even be much more elaborate. For example a user could be interested in the performance on cases that represent individuals over the age of 40, who are also married and unemployed.

# Conditions for continuous features take a tuple
# that represents the range of the condition.
performance_stats = trainee.react_react_aggregate(
        'prediction_stats': True,
        'action_condition': {
            'age': [40, 9999],
            'marital-status': 'married',
            'job-status': 'unemployed',

API References#