Feature Attributes#

Understanding and properly utilizing Feature Attributes is the most important step for successful use of Howso. Feature attributes can be specified manually but are often built using the infer_feature_attributes() (IFA) utility function. This section will answer common questions related to both IFA and the feature attributes in general.

Related api reference pages for feature attributes:

How do I use Infer Feature Attributes?#

  • In general, IFA is an iterative process:

    1. If you’re new to IFA or are not familiar with your data types, just pass-in your data and print the dictionary. A subset of your data may also be provided if not all features’ attributes are intended to be inferred, however this is not recommended, as all features that are used with Howso are recommended to have a corresponding set of feature attributes mappings.

      features = infer_feature_attributes(data)
    2. Audit the dictionary to ensure the mapping matches your data. Some common mappings that should be reviewed:

      1. type being nominal, ordinal, or continuous.

      2. bounds: min and max values.

      3. date_time_format for specifying the dates/times correctly.

    3. Pass in any changes as arguments to IFA and run it again. The following are some of the common arguments:

      1. Create a partial feature dictionary and pass it to the argument features. This is common when specifying the type, for example when a feature is nominal.

      2. Pass in a dictionary that specifies the correct datetime format using datetime_feature_formats.

      3. The exception is specifying the bounds. Edit the dictionary after it’s been built by IFA.

    4. print the dictionary and audit.

    5. Repeat steps 2 - 3 until the feature mapping is built properly.

What is the difference between nominal, ordinal, and continuous features?#

  • continuous: A numeric value that can be any value between two arbitrary numbers. e.g. price, date, distance

  • nominal: An unordered value. e.g. name, phone number, shirt size

  • ordinal: An ordered value. e.g. priority number, product rating, education degree

How do I map ordinal features?#

  • If the feature is numeric, all you must do is specify the type as ordinal inside IFA.

  • If the feature is ordinal but not numeric, pass a dictionary specifying the order to IFA using the ordinal_feature_values argument. - An example is: { "size" : [ "small", "medium", "large", "huge" ] }

How do I map cyclic features?#

Cyclic features are set by specifying a cycle_length value in the feature attributes. cycle_length requires a single value, which is the upper bound of the difference for the cycle range. For example, if cycle_length is 360, then a value of 1 and 359 will have a difference of 2. Cyclic features have no restrictions in the input dataset, however, cyclic features will be output on a scale from 0 to cycle_length. To constrain the output to a different range, modify the min and max bounds feature attribute.

  • Specify the type as continuous inside IFA.

  • Specify the maximum value (exclusive) as the cycle_length feature attribute.

How do I specify dates?#

  • Often, IFA can intuit the proper date format especially if the dates are a Python datetime object.

  • They can also be specified by passing a dictionary to IFA using the datetime_feature_formats argument. - An example is: { "end_date" : "%Y-%m-%d" }

What are partial features?#

  • Partial features is a term used to describe a partial dictionary from which IFA builds the rest of the feature mapping. It is also a variable-name passed to the features argument inside IFA. Below is an example:

    # Infer features using DataFrame format
    partial_features = {'education-num':{'type':'nominal'}, 'age':{'type':'continuous'}}
    features = infer_feature_attributes(df, features=partial_features)
  • partial_features are important because they allow IFA to correctly specify the bounds. For example, imagine a nominal feature of US zip codes (90016, 91334, etc.). IFA may infer these values to be continuous and the resulting dictionary will include min and max bounds. You can edit the type to be nominal post calling IFA, but the continuous bounds may cause an issue when reacting to the model. This is why it’s often better to use partial_features as a core to pass into IFA.

What are dependent features?#

  • Dependent features are those features which depend on each other. These features are specified using the dependent_features feature attribute. Common examples include lab results and their units of measure. During predictions, it’s imperative the lab results match the units of measure like the original dataset.

# Specify the dependencies between the feature description, units, and value.
    "measurement": [ "measurement_amount" ]

# Pass in the dependent_features to infer_feature_attributes.
features = infer_feature_attributes(

Derivation Attributes#

Derived during-training features should have a feature attribute of [auto_derive_on_train](howso.openapi.models.FeatureAutoDeriveOnTrain), containing the configuration on how to derive the feature.

A derive_type value is required to define the type of derivation, one of [custom](howso.openapi.models.FeatureAutoDeriveOnTrainCustom) or [progress](howso.openapi.models.FeatureAutoDeriveOnTrainProgress) is allowed. Each type has its own attribute set.

Allowed list of operations for code attributes. All operations use prefix notation:

+ - * / = != < <= > >= number string concat if and or xor not null min max mod sqrt pow abs log exp floor ceil round rand sin cos acos tan atan sinh asinh cosh acosh tanh atanh

Advanced Configurations#

Feature Bounds#

Feature values are generally given fuzzy bounds derived from the actual values. This allows for some variation in the data. If strict bounds are more appropriate for the feature, there are 3 ways to set this.

The first is by passing through a list in the tight_bounds parameter of infer_feature_attributes(). The features specified in this list will use the exact bounds present in the original data.

features = infer_feature_attributes(df, tight_bounds=["feature_a", "feature_b"])

The second method is to directly modify the features map created by infer_feature_attributes(). For numeric values, min and max can be set in bounds to set the minimum and maximum values.

features["Year"]["bounds"]["min"] = fuel_df["Year"].min()
features["Year"]["bounds"]["max"] = fuel_df["Year"].max()

Lastly, these bounds can also be set directly through the feature_bounds_map parameter as shown below.

gen_df = s.synthesize_cases(
    feature_bounds_map={"Year": {"min": 1970, "max": 2020}},

Nulls and Missing Values#

The feature attributes map produced by infer_feature_attributes() sets the allow_null parameter depending on whether the original data contains nulls. This controls whether predictions can also contains nulls. In order to override the inferred value, the allow_null parameter in the feature attributes map can be manually configured as shown below. Additionally, in the case of predictions, Trainee.react() also supports an allow_null parameter.

features["Year"]["bounds"]["allow_null"] = False