Time Series and Sequential Data Analysis#

Objectives: what you will take away#

  • Definitions & an understanding of how time series and sequential data tools within the Howso Engine provide enhanced insight into your data.

  • How-To use Engine’s infer_feature_attributes() tool to configure your time series and sequential data, and make time series predictions.

Prerequisites: before you begin#


Concepts & Terminology#

To understand this guide, we recommend being familiar with the following concepts:

Notebook Recipe#

The following recipes will supplement the content this guide will cover and go into some additional examples:

How-To Guide#

Why are time series and sequential data predictions important?

A significant amount of data is recorded at specific times. Utilizing this information can provide a wealth of insight for future predictions, such as knowledge of whether events happen at certain intervals or how intervals between certain events influence other events. Engine handles time series data using infer_feature_attributes() and by using Trainee.train() and Trainee.react() to calculate and utilize information about intervals within a dataset to make a prediction.

There are two key differences in the Howso Engine basic prediction workflow when dealing with time series and sequential data:

  • howso.utilities.infer_../basics/feature_attributes() must be configured to include time series and sequential data information

  • Context Features must be specified after the data is trained, as the time series context information is calculated during training

    and must be specified before the analyze() call to be utilized in a react

Task 1 - Infer Feature Attributes#

# Identify id-feature and time-feature
id_feature_name = "ID"
time_feature_name = "date"
features = infer_feature_attributes(
    datetime_feature_formats={"date": "%Y-%m-%d"},

When calling infer_feature_attributes() in time-series flows, it’s imperative that the user specifies the time feature name and the id feature name. While not required, another very significant parameter to consider is the time_feature_is_universal flag. This is a boolean flag that specifies to the Engine if the time feature should be considered “universal”.

If the time feature is universal, then the Engine is not able to reference any future data when making a prediction. If the time feature is not universal, then the Engine could use future data from other series, but still not future data within the same series. It is recommended to set this flag to True if there is any possibility of global relevancy of time, which is the default behavior.

Task 2 - Make a time series prediction#

# Create the Trainee
trainee = Trainee(

session1 = Session('train_session_1', metadata={'data': 'training data'})

# Train

# Store actual record data which includes all of the ts information
cases_df = trainee.get_cases(session=session1)

# Specify Context and Action Features
action_features = ['target']
context_features = cases_df.columns.drop(action_features).to_list()

# Targeted Analysis
trainee.analyze(context_features=context_features, action_features=action_features)

# Calculate overall error metrics
results = trainee.react_react_aggregate(
    details={'prediction_stats': True}

Task 3 - Forecast a time-series#

# Use react_series with continue_series_values to forecast a series
series_reaction = trainee..react_series(
    action_features=["ID", "date", "value"],
    continue_series_features=["ID", "date", "value"],
            # A set of cases making up a series
            ["A", "2000-07-30", 100.0],
            ["A", "2000-07-31", 105.0]
            ["A", "2000-08-01", 110.0]

# Displaying the set of cases that forecast the given series

API References#